Dribbles-- I noted you mentioned you had a couple bouts of UTIs. I started a decline in my early continence (1-2 pads/day up to 8 pads/day) when I got a UTI. I've had a history of UTIs prior, so I was very familiar with the symptoms and could tell when it was coming on. Since then, I had a brief decrease in pads, followed by another increase that I THINK was related to overzealous use of the VED. (See
I also noticed that during my UTI, I could feel a particularly sharp pain right were the external urinary sphincter is. While peeing, if you shut off the flow with a kegel, you should be able to locate the position of that muscle. While "pee-kegeling" during the UTI, I could feel that pain at that
location. My
guess is that the UTI impacts this muscle, as it does other tissues and that's why the incontinence increases.
Several mentioned using ointment (Desitin, zinc oxide) to help create a moisture barrier during this time. I would
suggest using polysporin or another antibiotic cream on the penis instead, due to your history of infections. Per my doc's instructions, I was using this around the tip of the penis while the cath was in. When I get a UTI, my urethra tingles/itches from just inside the tip of the penis to about
2-3 inches inward. If you get those symptoms too, you might kill two birds with one stone by using the polysporin. Of course, so this isn't confused with medical advice, you should consult your physician re: this suggestion.