just “celebrated” my third birthday since original dx and RP, with subsequent relapse and round of “salvage” [I STILL hate that term!] radiation. I know that doesn’t exactly make me an ol’ timer, but for a newbie, I might still be able to impart some words of comfort and/or wisdom. Mainly, a diagnosis of prostate cancer is NOT a death sentence; there are some excellent doctors and tools available to get you through it. Learn all you can, gather your support system together, and attack it like any other big problem in life. Yes, there IS life after all that hassle with incontinence and E.D. ; some of it you’ll cruise right through, and some of it you’ll have to fight for a long time…and YES, there will eventually come a day that you realize you don’t have to wake up every morning worrying about PC, sometimes because you’ve found another Power to just turn that worry over to, so you can just go on with your life.
Main thing is: enjoy the day you’ve been given and the people around you, because you don’t know what’s just around the corner, and all you’ve got RIGHT NOW is, uh, RIGHT NOW!
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME !! and wishing you all the smoothest, longest, funnest, most blessed journey possible !