I feel much better about things.
After talking with Dr. Lam and sifting through all the information from both doctors, I now have a definitive plan.
I am going to follow Dr. Lam's advice.
He doubts that my gall bladder surgery would influence my PSA that much, but we will retest the PSA in 2 weeks (that will be a month after the last test).
If my PSA is over 4 (and it most undoubtedly will be unless something was awry with this last test), we will start HT. I will call him first for one more consultation as he wants to discuss various aspects of this treatment. Basically, it will be Casodex (oddly enough, he says just a few days on casodex before Lupron is sufficient).
Iwill do the triple blockade (casodex/lupron/avodart).
So, a decision is made. I have a plan and feel okay with it.