I am a wife too, age 41. Sending you big fat hugs today, and tomorrow. I remember hubby's surgery like it was yesterday, especially how it felt gearing up the night before. It sounds like you two put a lot of thought, research and rationale into this decision, so look forward, not back. My hubby had a significant cancer, and I was very nervous during his actual surgery which took 4.5 hours, not knowing what they'd see. His surgeon came to find me in the waiting room to deliver very good news based on his trained eye and all I could do was hug the guy. :) Try to get some sleep, but I know it is very, very tough. I'm sure you are both running on adrenaline right now, but you may crash (in a good get sleep kind of way) tomorrow evening. My Mom was so worried about
me driving home from the hospital alone that night. I didn't see your hubby's stat's, but hope my hubby's stats will encourage you also. He went in with a 4 + 3 gleason, and PSA of 17.2 (he's now at <0.1). Keep your chin up. I am praying for you and your family!
*edited to add PSA