Welcome to the forum, sorry you have to be here.
I hope (and think) you will have a good experience with trimix. It may take a few times for get it right, so don't give up too quickly. I am afraid we may be doing new guys an injustice by describing the aching from trimix is too graphic terms. Now, using Caverject (alprostadil0 straight does produce well-documented distress in lots of guys. The trimix experience is much less so, but well worth any small discomfort received. The ability to have a hard, lasting erection after weeks , months, or years of illness, recovery, worry and failure of other methods are well worth any small discomfort for me. Each man is different, understand, so your experience will not be like mine. Mine, at it's worse is just a very smalll aching sensation, nothing bad or off-putting, and as I said, well worth the sex I get now.
Most guys will agree with me, and a big number of them will say they have even less or none of the aching.
So don't get disappointed or panic if your first time or two results in failure or, worse, too much success....
Give it a chance, try several times, and come back here for help if you need some practical help with it.