I had Cyberknife treatments - 5 high dose treatments, one every other day.
I had a little burning during urination during and for about
10 days after treatment. And some fatigue for about
a month after, if I exerted myself. But I learned if I took a 15 minute break and had some water, the fatigue passed. That's about
it. Everything has been fine since.
I have completed about
six Iron Butt Association certified long distance endurance ride since treatment, also. The shortest has been > 1,000 miles in <24 hours ( SaddleSore 1K) . I also did two >1,500 miles in <36 hours rides ( Bun Burner 1.5K) and a Great Lakes 100 - Around all 5 Great Lakes in < 100 hours. We did it in 94.5 hours, BTW. This next year, I am planning on doing a Lake Superior 1K , Lake Huron 1K, and if I can pull it off, a Bun Burner Gold ( >1,500 miles in <24 hours). That's considered an "Extreme" ride by the IBA.
For more info : www.ironbutt.com
Please wish me & my prostate luck. After these rides, I wait at least 7 days before having a PSA done, BTW.
Life goes on after being diagnosed with CaP.