I did mine on Monday. Showed up at the hospital at 10:30 to be prepped, knocked out at 12:00, 25 catheters inserted, awake at 1:00, transferred by ambulance to the radiation center, under the CT for fine tuning of the catheters, put in a room with a light lunch while the physicist did the final work up, 15 hoses hooked up to the catheters by the dosemetrist at about 2:30, wheeled into the treatment room at 2:45, zapped for 20 minutes and returned po the patients room. At about 3:30 the rad-onc and nurse checked me and removed the urinary catheter and radiation catheters( no feeling), and let me rest until I started to regain feeling in my legs. Got me dressed at 4:00 and into a wheel chair and out the door by 4:15-4:30. 30 minute ride home, was able to walk with a litle assistance as the feeling returned. At about 7:00 was fully functional and prepared dinner for my wife. Early to bed and to rise on Tuesday for the 45 minute commute and worked a full day with no problems. I park at the far side of the lot and probably have at least 200 yards to the door. I sit and stand in the office and take stairs (3 floors) rather than the elevator, but basically a desk job. Was tender and sat down carefully, don't just plop down and stay away for hard chairs. Three days after the second procedure I drove 9 hours without any problems and then three days later returned the 9 hour drive to Atlanta. I was also doing IMRT and had the Monday and Tuesday off each week I had the HDR procedures.
With you doing yours on Friday, then back to work on Monday, from my experience will be a piece of cake. The only issue I had the first time was some urinary burning from the catheter which was solved the second time with better lubtrication.
Best wishes and lats erradicate the bad cells.