Women are getting prostate cancer. That's what I heard on the car radio this evening as I drove home from the pharmacy. I can't quote it verbatim, but the commercial went something like this. You have to imagine a soft, feminine voice saying all this: "All across the country, thousands of women are getting prostate cancer. That's right...women are getting prostate cancer. That's because when a man get's prostate cancer, he doesn't get it alone. Prostate cancer affects the man and his wife."
It then turns into an ad for Central Dupage Hospital in the Chicago suburbs, which is pushing its proton beam therapy with frequent ads on local major radio stations. The ads claim that the protons stop at the designated spot within the body, destroying the cancer, but having less effect on neighboring sensitive tissues. As a result, the ad claims, proton beam treatment produces fewer "debilitating" side effects than other treatments. (They don't define "debilitating.") Whether or not I agree with their claims is not my point.
I just thought it was a novel, attention-getting strategy to talk about "women getting prostate cancer." Or maybe it just caught my attention because of my personal experience with prostate cancer.