Prostate biopsy side effects. there are some very common side effects of a prostate biopsy. Please understand a biopsy is a MUST, It is the gold standard to see cancer cells. You need to know.
It is scary, it hurts, you'll need a valium. Be tough!!
you'll strip butt naked and get a useless gown and the nurse give me a shot in the rump. great big long needle like the old tetanus shot. she said an antibiotic? gee and I was already started on Cipro.
You will be very sore from the probe as the uro does his pry bar technique. his goal is not to worry about
your hemeroids but to drill that prostate. If under sedation you will not feel a thing till later.
your back may be sorer then usual as the nurses transfer your limp body from the operating table to the day bed gurney. (mine was) 1/2 hour and I came alive again "hey your all done"
you can go home!!! no wait to see if I can peee? I don't think they want you to have a heart attack when you pee blood.
The standard for biopsies are 12 core plus here. They target a matrix then they target specific interesting spots. so I had 16. Now understand the more times they drill the more pain you will have after, more bleeding, and more chance for infections. I understand the need to do this once and find the cancer, I accept 16 gasp.
Luckily the antibiotic cipro seemed to protect me from infection. I took 5 of the 7 pills. after day 3 of no bowel movement I called my my urologist and the nurse said the soonest I could talk to him would be 2 weeks. gasp, so he was out of the loop. I called my GP, I was panicking, He said immediately go to ER, I hate ER!!!
$5000 because I cant take a dump? I don't think so.
Bright bloody red pee, thats always exciting. and globs of clots.
I drank water like a racehorse to get flushed out.
then the red stopped and I could barely pee, Yes the poor invaded prostate swells up. very common.
some guys get prescribed an alpha inhibitor.
I was using stool softener, and metamucil, 3 times a day and still no number #2? well doing the searches here I discover many men in this group after the anti biotic and pain pill have issues. and Philips Milk of Magnesia is a popular choice.
so the painful ride to town (30 minutes) and I get some Philips,
back home, in 30 minutes it kicks in, I took the whole capful. probably too much.
I sat on the toilet on and off for 4 hours.
seems not as efficient as that fleet thing???
Next day I was back to normal.
the bloody urine stopped, and I was peeing again.
I waited a week to do a semen eject, and yup, a bloody red glob! just lovely.
I won't do that again for a while!
after a week, the soreness is starting to subside. It is interesting because you will hurt where you can't touch?
hot bath and heat and blood thinning products were out.
so after a week, I am getting back to normal and the wait for pathology report, which is reportedly 2 - 3 weeks? My pain has subsided so I can do my walks again. I think pain and lack of exercise slow your bowels down.
my last issue was my glucose levels, for some reason I shot to 155 morning fasting and 225 afer a small bowl of cheereos. I take metamucil only but used to take glipicide when I was out of control. Once I got in control the glipicide was out. It cause you pancreas to secrete insulin which can drive you too low. so I take a glip and
YUP, drove me to 55, shakes, sweats, dizzy.
so glass of orange juice and I got it up to 80! great.
now today my sugar is normal? too many things I been through to figure what went wrong?
Post Edited (Berdoo/Arkansas) : 1/21/2013 2:37:02 PM (GMT-7)