Welcome to the forum. I am sorry you need to be here but you've found a good place.
When the scans show that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes hormone therapy is usually the first thing the doctors will want to do. It stops the cancer from growing (usually knocks it back a bit) and gives the patient and his doctors time to look at their options. That is good because while hormone therapy is the
first thing they will do, it is seldom the
only thing they will do with a patient as young as your husband.
I didn't quite understand what you said about
the team's recommendations on radiation.
you said...
There was a team of specialist who met and they have not recommending radiotherapy as well.
It sounds like they didn't recommend radiation. Did they say why?
Try not to be too scared. Prostate cancer is seldom a death sentence. It's more like being required to take up an unwelcome new hobby.