Here we go,
Reading your post brought back a flood of memories for me allong with that horrible feeling in my gut. Back in Nov. 2011 our 6 week post op PSA came back at 6.9. We got some of the same responses back from this forum. I think our post was entitled "anybody ever seen this?"
I think i know what you're going through. I'm the wife researching all the abstracts and clinical trials, trying to find the best docs and best outcomes. You can see from our stats where we are in this journey. There aren't too many of us with post op PSA. I think we got some of the same responses from the forum! The forum has been a life saver for us though, lots of info and suppost. We've even been to the NY and Baton Rouge gatherings (and will pospone SRT til after April so we can attend this year! My email is in our profile if you have any questions or just need to vent. Take care! The sun is shining and its warming up in the chilly midwest..
Marie(aka mswampuscat, winecrafter extrordinaire!)