I bought a Iron Man Timex here I set the timer to go off every 4 hours. Some times I cannot make it to 4 hours, sometimes longer. When my neo starts to max out, I feel some discomfort on my kidneys or on the cuff. Or I start to leak.
Since you have a neobladder, it produces "Mucas". Some times when the mucas settles down around the cuff area, I think it is "slippery" enough or it is heavier than urine, it will cause your neo to leak out. Sometimes a lot even when you neobladder is not really full. I have had leakaged where the bulk of it was mucas. Something normal bladder guys do not deal with.
I do not try to make it to four hours usually. If I am close to a bathroom, I take advantage of it. It does not help to lay on my back. I still can leak at the four hour area. Laying on my side is better but not fool proof.
I wear two layers of shorts. One tight fitting for my pad. It has to be somewhat tight or the boy moves around to much and then the pad is no good.
Then I wear a boxer type.
Two reasons;
- I tuck my tee shirt in to the boxer (so I will not get it wet being with the pad)
- another layer of defense in the likly hood of a leak. You will leak. You will leak daily.
I then also wear another pair of basketball shorts over all that at night. Another line of defense. Then I do not use a bed pad at night though I probably should.
To void, I use a stall like anyone else, unzip and I learned to lift up the leg of the shorts to access everthing, the pump in the scrotum and pee from that position. I learned I can controll everthing easier and do not get my pants wet from the process. When you pump the pump, you will have to experiance how much for how long.
I pump a few times then wait till it stops, then pump again to see if If there is more. Remember you can zip up and still the cuff is open. If you were constricted somehow, and zipped up, you could continue to void heavily at the wrong time. That is why I do it from under the leg of the shorts. More control and less restriction.
Hope that helps you in your planning
Again, Briefs, Boxers, good pads (w/out wings), Iron Man Timex.