Saw an extended piece on a Sunday talk show today on MSNBC. It was called "Dishonorable Treatment", about
how long it's taking to Vets to get their disability claims. It was as bad as I was told, and even in my own claim.
They said in 1995, the VA had a back log of 11,000 claims. As of 2013, the backlog was now 219,000!!!!
Out of that number, they said 30% of the claims were related to Viet-Nam vets, like us here.
They said right now, if you file a new claim for Agent Orange related disability (mostly PC), the average wait time to receive payment is 462 days, and that's assuming there are no snags.
On non-Agent Orange claims, the average wait time was over 630 days.
They claimed the VA had been authorized years ago to hire around 3,000 additional staff, but had only actually hired 300 or so.
The article infuriated me, as my AO claim is now more than 3 1/2 years out.
It might be possible to see the entire piece online, but I didn't bother to look
David in SC
When I joined the Navy literally on my 18th birthday, holding a low lottery number, and not wanting to get drafted into the Army and end up in Nam, ended up there anyway, what irony. They didn't mind taking me then, but not like many Vets, you get the shaft when you need them. Even the women that run my local county Veterans Affairs office, slightly joke about how the VA is hoping us older vets will die before the VA has to make good. Not so funny really.