Well, this Saturday, we will be celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary. April 6, 1974 seems so long ago. Waited until today to make the decision for sure about
going away for a long weekend, and decided to go for it. Wife is taking off work tomorrow, and we hope to be on the road by 11, depending on what kind of sleep I get. I would have liked to have gotten that PET scan result first, and still have the concern of that groin lump going on, but those things will simply have to wait.
As usual when we take off, there will be no internet or laptops allowed. Cell phones will be limited to emergency type calls if needed by our family. Otherwise, we feel no point in trying to get away from it all.
Many have heard our story before, but my wife had just turned 18 when we got married, and I was only back from Nam and out of the service by about a year at the time, in college. We got married exactly 11 weeks and 3 days after our first date, guess we both knew what we wanted, and the proof is in the pudding, we are still together.
My wife has always been my best friend, and me - hers, we feel that is the foundation of our long time marriage. I wouldn't change a thing, even if I had the chance. She is my rock, and I would do anything for her. Couldn't possibly imagine starting all over again, like those that are widowed or divorced, I am not sure I would be able to adjust to that. We know each other so well, that often words don't have to be spoken.
So, until Sunday night or Monday, I will be hidden away with a gorgeous redhead. Don't ask, don't tell.
david in sc