I can understand some of the conversations here.
My wife stood by me when I was told I had (bladder) cancer. We cried together not knowing where it would lead. Went with me to some of the chemo visits. Stayed with me at night durnig my 12 day stay in the hospital (when some days it looked bad for me to make it out). Took me to the 13 or so procedures that I went through, some with very severe complications ( I had a reaction to an antibiotic that was real bad) during some "minor day surgeries".
She watched me almost bleed to death one day when a bandage change went bad. I know she has been effected by all of that.
Watched me wear a condom cath, leg bag and diapers, bed pad for several years. Even today, I smell of urine half the time.
I wear a bladder cancer bracelet. She does not.. Wants to forget cancer. I am on two blogs, Bladder Cancer (BCAN) and this one. I have a healing well .org site. I visit (and she sometimes if times permits comes along) others in the hospital.
But by and large....
We do not talk about my Cancer unless it concerns her. And these days it mostly does not.. It affects my not able to get life insurance or health insurance any more. She has helped me get on with the VA however.
My ED, She is happy with us not having intercourse apparently, will not discuss it. I try to bring it up but is content with sex being a one way ticket to paradise. Does not understand or want to my need to have that ability.. so the money I would spend on Trimix she has not encouraged it and in fact discourages it without explanation.
For better or for worse.. We still have close times together but only on her terms. one way street. But I am ok with that. We still share our lives togehter. Have great kids and run a business together. I am blessed.