Dear Friends but especially the newly diagnosed,
My wonderful wife of 34 years decided to give me the gift which is every guys dream. The gift; twenty one consecutive days of sex. The goal of each encounter was to please me to the state of orgasm. That took various forms as Mr. Johnson was sometimes a bit tired and needed coaxing... I will let your imaginations paint the picture. We both had fun. Well maybe more me than her at times but the goal was achieved!
I know I am fortunate not to have side effects and as such have been reluctant to post but now believe it is a disservice not to share how good life can be after being diagnosed with PC. I do not have incontinent issues and Mr. Johnson rises to the occasion without medication and performs as well as he did prior to surgery.
My wife accomplished several things by giving me this gift; a new level of intimacy physically and emotionally, she bolstered my confidence, that PC may just be a blip on the radar of our lives, and a genuine act of love that endears her more to me.
Yes the diagnosis is frightening especially when you have lost a father to it and have seen it all, the biopsy uncomfortable, the after effects of surgery and the catheter to mention just a few. But there are great outcomes so don't lose heart. Do the research, seek the best counsel regardless of where it is, and pray. Not necessarily in that order! Take it a day at time don't dwell on the past or on the future. Focus on today.
Ladies give your man the "gift." Be patient, be loving, understanding and supportive. This disease plays games with our heads and we need to know you are in our corner helping us fight through it.
That's it thanks for listening and I hope this provides some reassurance to those now in the battle.
Warmest regards to all of you.