hello guy
just found the chat room you guys are awesome, since I found you guys, i'm learning to handle my emotions.
my psa is 13 my ICD 9. going for ct scan pelvic & abdomen
full body bone scan. i'm 66 wt 190 & bmi 18percent. never stayed over night in a hospital, never had any health problem needless to say when, I got diagnosed, this hit me like a ton of bricks,been on a emotional roller coaster
got a good family(awesome wife & children & church), close friends so I have a lot of support.
see the DR. on 2may, for results. i'm planning for the worst but praying for the best.had 6 biopsy 2 were 4+ 5 1 was 4+4 1was 3+4 2 were beign.
trying to get my head around the gleason numbers. any or comments or help understanding the numbers.
again thank god for the website