Guys, Appleseed and donft.
I was in that (un)lucky club -- the 1/3 of the 1/3. No matter how
wet bad it gets, know that you can get it fixed.
Same with ED. If you want it bad enough, you can get that done, too. Some brave guys here did both surgeries at once. Yikes! That way they maxed out their deductible and got the ED surgery for free.
After the surgery one guy said "It's like being 18 again - only without the stupid!"
My point is: no matter how depressing you think it is -- Don't take the bridge! It will get better. IWGB! IWGB! Say it: IWGB!
(If you're going to take the bridge, make sure to send me all your firearms and ammo first. We'll shoot them off during the next GFMPH event.)