Most of the above , is appreciated..
In case it missed some small minds, plunk, the whole point was to point out that with lower grade disease, there are possibilities to correct the situation.
It's a shame the reference to Dr. Burzynski was deleted, as it contained some very interesting information on what issue, WE have, in gaining help with this disease and all diseases, when you find that the FDA is responsible to the and for the Pharma-Companies, and NOT to the citizens..
In the Dr. Mercola presentation (google it) he summarises the info-mercial (if you prefer that terminology), as..
Story at-a-glance
Burzynski—Cancer is Serious Business details the struggles and victories of Dr. Burzynski and his groundbreaking cancer treatment, and explores the current status of Antineoplastons’ clinical testing
Antineoplastons are peptides and derivatives of amino acids that act as genetic switches. They turn off the oncogenes that cause cancer, and turn on or activate tumor suppressor genes—genes that fight cancer
Dr. Burzynski’s treatment holds the first cures ever for brainstem glioma, a fatal type of brain cancer that typically affects children and young adults
Japanese researchers have spent 27 years independently testing Antineoplastons and reproducing Dr. Burzynski’s findings, leading them to conclude that the effectiveness of Antineoplastons is “obviously not anecdotal anymore”
A group of patients and patient advocates have launched a campaign to have Antineoplastons accepted worldwide as a “standard of care” for the treatment of cancer..
Given that he is the ONLY know person to cure certain cancers, you would have thought that there would be folk, breaking his door down to encourage him, whereas they have shut him down..
NO - he does not save everyone..
The point is that cancer takes many forms and many believe it comes from a virus that we MAY have been accidentally given... SV40..
WHY is there, SOoo many falling with cancer in our age groups?? Is it in the water, the food we eat or something else.
Now if it can take 50 years to exhibit as cancer, then surely there are ways of preventing the genetic mutations from taking hold.. I speculate that Burzynski found a non destructive and clinical way of starving the cancer's growth.
I speculate that there are other ways also, and certain foods and natural healthy living, that MIGHT just add to the ability to fight cancer..
So, I repeat... If you have a lower grade cancer developing, then WHY would you NOT give it a go, and then, keep up that healthy living, instead of dwelling in this dark place, checking if your's is bigger than mine.. Vit-D and and and Anti-Oxidants/BioFlavones
Ages ago I told you of another friend with "Mobile Phone Cancer" and was given months to live and he self-treated with Anti-Oxidants via OPC and his cancer is G.O.N.E.. Now the MRI does not lie..
Yes , I did a preliminary report on Tong, who is likely now reading this stuff.. Ask him and his specialists , what they believe and I know what the answer will be, because it's the same mob that has done me, and other family and friends..
This post on Tony was presented with the actual Bx results included..
One of the interesting issues in that "Info-Mercial" as you would like to view it, is the orchestrated "Skeptics" campaign to get Burzynski "Taken Down"..
Those who have been saved cannot report their results without a phalanx of knocking...
Why would people go to that trouble, unless they had a vested interest and were being "organised" to cast doubt..
The FDA ran tests in order to prove Burzynski wrong, but showed him to be right, and they are Pissed Off, because the Pharma's don't like the thought that there might be a way of control, and possibly cure for a likely introduced cancer-epidemic..
Keep an
open mind in this dark place..
[quote]Here’s where men like BuiDoi’s friend expose themselves to higher risk for prostate cancer over-treatment…
Here's where a tremendous number of us come unstuck. Do WE expose ourselves or are we exposed..?
The CANCER profession are so bloody keen to Hack, Poison or Burn out our cancers that they loose sight (I feel) of the reality..
Our problem, as men and individuals , is that WE are not the experts and these other professionals claim to us - "You is gona DIE"...
I gave in to the dire warnings and I got cut and it has changed SOOooo much of what was considered "Normal"..
I gave in despite actually lowering MY PSA reading via taking similar Anti-Oxidants as found in Asparagus.. I will never know if I would have done a "Tony", and found my cancer G.O.N.E. and then spent the rest of my life being careful.. (as I will anyway)
Post Edited (BuiDoi) : 7/15/2013 11:28:47 PM (GMT-6)