I am coming into this thread late but it seems that Lymphocele complications are more common that what is reported. This is not a consp theory but an observation. The stats vary from 1% to 5% of PC surgerys but I do not believe they have published for RALP. I suspect the results would be significantly higher with RALP.
In 2009 post 2 months following my RALP i developed an infected Lymphocel (fever of 103) a drain was installed for a couple of weeks. Over the course of 2 months I had 4 drains put in my pelvic region to drain fluids. Not fun but you survive. Followin the procedures I have swelling (Lymphodema) in those regions daily and depending on activity the degree of uncomfortableness varies. When I retire to bed at night and sleep on my back it mostly goes away to return the next. You deal with it but I am not certain that it is an acceptable risk and appear to be more prevelant following RALP version other surgical options. I had only 2 lymph nodes taken out so my risk factor should have been extremely low of lymphocels but no dice.
There is no treatment that I have found for my chronic condition now after 4 years so you live with it and hope someday it will go away. For sure it is a complication of surgery and not sure on who or what caused it because of the RALP surgery, was it the flaw of the machine or lack of feel of the surgeon but the why is failure to seal off the surgery site of lymph node. Will likely never know but grateful to be alive and undetectable PSA.