Just got back yesterday from my 4th trip to the Philippines in 9 months to visit my Honey !!
This time it was for her K1 Visa interview at the US Embassy in Manila and we were approved !!!
Once her new Visa is processed (about a week or so) and she has it in hand, she can come to the US and our plans to get married on September 28th will come true.
This was a short trip and I decided to see how I would do without my trimix.....I felt that if I did not have it available that maybe it would give me a chance to see how things were really working these days.....
I took one Viagra an hour before my flight landed so that hopefully I could function ....to my surprise, it worked very well.
I then did not take another one until my last day...going away sex is really important !!!!
In between those two pills, we were actually able to have some good sex naturally with no help from drugs and I had my first natural orgasm......yehaaaaa !!! was that ever good !!!
It has taken over 2 1/2 years to get things going again but with some good steady rehab, trimix and my wife to be at my side supporting me all the way, I feel that I have really turned the corner !!!
Keep the faith guys !!!! keep working the rehab and there is always a chance you can get things going again.