The last week I had a lot going on at work and had to really shuffle my schedule around for the last three days. I took the days off to complete the process for the DoD reviewing research and training grants. I posted about
this earlier: V did this years ago and boy have things changed. He was sent boxes of paper grant applications I was sent a link. On Tuesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm, with one ten minute break, and again on Wednesday, and again today, the DoD panel was in session. I learned a lot. The complex reviews were intense, the process very formal, and the efforts of all exhausting. We evaluated and scored them but I won't know who received the grants and who didn't. That hasn't been decided but it will shortly. And some bright young physicians will get the funding they need to better their careers. I want so much to share what we reviewed but I cannot. But the panel consisted of some great scientists a chair, and a review officer. Some consultants were also present but had to remain silent for the panel discussions.
Again, the links are in the linked thread about
the program and how to become a reviewer. I highly recommend it but I have to say, it is not an easy process and there is a lot of work involved. As I mentioned before, it's not a big check but there is a consulting fee. When you count the hours, I said in another thread you can do better standing in front of a Walmart.