Yeah, I guess I came out a tad strong. Sorry if I was a bit abrasive, but that doesn't change the facts.
Look at the facts:
We have a diet and we have Lupron. PSA reverses dramatically. This is TYPICAL of Lupron. To just praise the diet (or even give it a lot of credit) is really misinformation.
I don't know anything about lung cancer to comment much, but I am very skeptical to think that a diet will greatly influence lung cancer progression. I guess I would ask: are there studies to justify that assertion? I would hate for someone to just go to a diet and eschew the medicos.
I will say that with PC (and probably other cancers that hit us older folks) more people still die of heart disease and related issues. So, it makes sense to have a heart healthy diet (I still am only partially sussessful in doing that)
Also, I guess I've seen my share of hucksters selling dubious wares. I'm sensitive to that issue.
We are a very nice group.
But, sometimes we cower under the mantra that one should not question the decision of others. I've seen this time and again. We are not doctors, but sometimes someone is clearly going on the wrong path. THAT IS NOT THE SITUATION HERE. But say someone has a G8 PC and is only taking Laetrille or coffee enemas or doing absolutely nothing. I'm going to say something. Do we have to be that meek to say that we will never question someone's choices? None of us has all the answers. But there are some situation that should clearly not go unchallenged.