Being tired isn't helping at all.....Get some rest. Sleep in the recliner for a time. When you laydown the body fluid collects in the worst spot for those of us trying not to pee our beds...Stop drinking 2.5 hours before bed at least...
Gotta keep going it will get better...all these guys have been through it an you can too...I went to a movie on week three of my recovery and even after peeing at least three times during the movie I pissed myself just before the end and had to bail out a fire escape door because there was no way for me to make it the extra 30 feet to the bathroom. I peed outside and dared the world to speak lol...Sat in the car and waited on wife to come out. I was soaked in the front.
I still pee the bed once a quarter or so if I am sleeping very hard. I am up at least three time minimum in 7 hours but usually its worse the first 1.5 hours...I'm as little over two year out.
I still do kegels occasinally.
We pulling for ya brother...