My husband was diagnosed last Monday. Age 59, Gleason 6 and nothing found on the DRE. His PSA went from 1.87 in 5/12, to 3.46 in 5/13 and 4.44 in 9/13. He has a significant family history in that a brother and two first cousins from the same side of the family have had procedures.
Firstly, I want to thank ALL of you. Our meeting with the doctor is this afternoon and we were both of the "get this out of me" mindset. This thread has been very informative and has helped me have a clearer head about
the conversation. He tends to be, as one of you described himself, a worry wart when it comes to medical things and I now realize how important this is to take into account. Also he is not in very good shape (not for my lack of trying to get him to join me at the gym! LOL!), but it is interesting to hear how physical condition plays a role in the recovery. I will start a new thread and try and get him on here ASAP (didn't mean to hijack GC's but wanted to express my appreciation to him and all of you).
But I now know my thinking is to take a little time, make a few lifestyle changes and then do something about
it. Obviously the choice is his and I will fully support whatever he decides. My mission is to get him to not rush into anything without fully educating himself. I have done a lot in the last week, but his approach has been to push it to the back of his mind and he really didn't want to talk about
it. I think he just needed some time to absorb. But this afternoon's meeting with his urologist will likely be overwhelming for him. So thankful for all of you sharing information, thoughts and recommendations. God Bless the existence of this forum.
Dear Gonnabeat - please note that I started a new thread for you so that others would notice your comments and be able to properly welcome you aboard. Jim
Post Edited By Moderator (Tudpock18) : 12/9/2013 11:10:21 AM (GMT-7)