This was once a sticky, but got upstaged,
My biggest suggestions for "before surgery around the house" are:
Take a belt, and loop it off your side. Yes, it sticks out. Now walk through your home. If the loop hangs on anything, FIX IT OR MOVE IT OR REMEMBER TO NOT GO THERE. The loop represents your catheter tube. If that hangs on anything, you will either scream or cry in pain.
Get a bucket, 3 gallons or so. You will put this at your bedside, and hang the cath bag upright in it while you try to sleep. Two objectives - 1) Keep the bag upright so it drains well, 2) protect your floor from the inevitable drain clip failure. The bucket wil be your friend.
Buy a group of incontinence products to have for the first few days. I leaked severly around the cath tube, so used the Depends (or other brands, if you can't find Depends) pants that have a velcro side (so-called adjustable), and can be put on around the tube without pushing the cath bag through the leg hole.
For the day you go to get the cath removed, have a couple of "pants"
available, and some extra heavy pads to put in the pant as a first liner. Also get some "underpads" to put in the car seat, and under your side of the bed, just in case.
Some complain that they bought , but didn't need, the pants & pads. I hope you are so lucky (I was not), in which case give the extras to a local homeless support group. There are guys with our same issues that live in the street.