RT does not kill most healthy tissue; most will self-repair within a couple of hours. Necrosis of the actual tumor will occur because cancerous cells lack cellular repair and apoptosis mechanisms that healthy tissue has. The acute (initial) side effects are mostly irritative. The late term damage of healthy tissue is caused by secondary effects due to inflammation and fibrosis.
Because modern IGRT/IMRT techniques are so precise, the radiation absorbed by nearby organs falls off rapidly with distance. On top of that, with SBRT, the total dose is only half the IMRT dose, so exposure of healthy tissue is even further minimized.
Treatment of the pelvic lymph nodes after initial prostate treatment has low rates of late term side effects. One worries about
the effect on the bowels especially, but as you can see in the following study, "Maximum late gastrointestinal toxicities were Grade 1 [lowest grade] for 4.9% of the pts, no patient experienced acute >Grade 1 gastrointestinal symptoms."
GI and GU Toxicity in the Pelvic Nodal Treatment of High-Risk Prostate Cancer- Allen