Welcome FLflyboy from a fellow G9.
What part of FL?
We have most of the state covered just from guys I know of.
BilllyMac who responded earlier is in Boynton Beach and 81GYguy who asked about
veteran status is in Gainesville. Sonny3 is on Space Coast and AnxiousinFL is in Tampa. I am in Citrus county west central FL.
Sure there are more.
Depending on where you are in FL, lots of good choices in doctors. Dr. Michael Dattolli in Sarasota and Sand Lake Imaging work closely with Dr. Charels "Snuffy" Myers. You can check out the latter's free weekly videos at
askdrmyers.wordpress.comYou can page back in time as far as you want and virtually any PCa topic you can imagine has been covered.
In Tampa there is Moffitt and in Gainesville and Jacksonville there is Univ of FL & Shands. Sonny's doctors in Orlando used to be considered MD Amderson and are now part of UF Health Systems. BillyMAc can chime in with who his doctors are in west Palm Beach area.
I am sure there are mroe in Miami area and Panhandle but don't know first hand.
Like Todd (make sure to read his blog that you can link to from his signature line BTW) I don't think I could handle physical castration and went the medical castration route with Lupron.
I concur with the others that in our situation your medical team needs to include at least one uro, one raditaiton onco and one medical onco with as many as logisticallly possible from national PCA centers.
If you do go onto Lupron it is tough on bone strength. So you may also go onto Zometa or Xgeva to strengthen your bones and prevent so called adverrse skeletal events like spinal compressions and bone fractures.
Lupron also affects cardio. So keep your cardiologist in the loop. Since cardio is more fatal than prostate cancer, you have to balance the two at all times.
If you are in need of any major dental work, have it done before starting the Zometa or Xgeva that limit whether you can have tooth extractions without some experiencing lockjaw like symptoms.
Side effects from the Lupron vary by indiividual. I have been very lucky to have only had an initial flurry of hot flashes from about
the 3-month mark to the 6-month mark and now nothing but alas also no libildo and some wieght gain and loss of muscle.
My saga started a little over a year ago and so far no surgery nor radiation nor chemo, just Lupron every 4-months and Xgeva monthly.
Let us know how you next consult comes out and feel free to ask lots of questions.