Had 15 minutes nurse time, 30 minutes doctor time.
He took this very seriously, as I had hoped. Said I have lost 25% of my weight in 4 1/2 months. Said that was both dangerous and troublesome. He's really concerned about the cramping up, back aches, and diarrhea associated when I do eat.
He's ruled out depression, he's ruled out any self-intentional act and rule out any effects from my pain meds.
They took 3 tubes of blood, and will be doing multiple blood tests, plus checking for thyroid disease. He gave me a thorough physical exam as well, and noted the extreme loss of muscle in both my arms and legs.
Things he wants to rule in or out: Thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, pancreas issues including cancer, colon and stomach cancer. Said I was indeed very high risk for thyroid cancer, due to previous radiation.
I am getting a chest x-ray in the morning at the hospital near my house. He's arranging for me to see a gastro specialist to get a new look. And I am to see him in 2 weeks, or sooner if something shows up.
I asked what I could do in between. He said to eat whatever I wanted to eat, good food, junk food, sugar, whatever it takes to ingest some calories. But then he backed off when he remembered that eating is cramping me up and the rest. He said that might not be a great idea after all, because if there was something worse going on internally, that violent reaction might make things worse. So, he said to try to eat anything that might appeal to me, if I can. He was equally concerned about me developing a swallowing problem while eating and how even a single bottle of Boost can trigger a violent reaction.
As usual, no easy answer for me, and more tests ahead. He did say it wouldn't take much more weight loss for this to start doing some real damage, and he was concerned about the speed its picking up. And how a complete and total loss of appetite long term is actually pretty rare, because normally the body will cry out for food at some point.
Feel in good hands. Just got to hold on a while till we can get some answers and tests results done.