There have been some intriguing recent studies on de-bulking in the case of metastatic disease. These are not RCTs - just analysis of the SEER database, so there may be selection bias.
this one, they noticed that men who had an RP after diagnosis with mets had a 75% 5yr PC survival vs 49% among men who had no surgical or radiation treatment.
And in
this one, they found a 72% reduced risk of death from PC.
The above also noted improvements from brachy treatment (they didn't look at EBRT, but I would expect similar improvements).
The natural history of disease progression seems to be that the cancer
principally spawns from the prostate itself and continues to do so when the prostate isn't removed or zapped.
This is a very tough decision - to undergo the SEs of surgery for the survival improvement.
As you suggest, it also makes sense to me to shrink the tumors first with hormone therapy. The recent CHAARTED clinical trial demonstrated a significant survival advantage to beginning both Taxotere and ADT at the same time at diagnosis of metastatic hormone sensitive disease -- 3 yr overall survival of 69% with the Taxotere vs 53% with ADT only.
- Allen
Post Edited (Tall Allen) : 5/28/2014 10:31:55 PM (GMT-6)