In answering your question about
the cuff
opening up on the first squeeze, it does
open up but I have found sometimes I need to squeeze the controller 2-3 times to get the cuff
open fully. I will feel a little pop from the balloon when I have done it.
I would squeeze the controller then I would dribble out the pee. When I squeezed it once or twice more, it seemed to come out in a strong stream then.
I haven't gotten the one strong, hard squeeze technique down yet to get a good flow on the first go round.
I haven't had any problems yet
opening the cuff by accident but 2 weeks ago I had a sinus infection and coughing or sneezing did cause some leakage. When I had problems with the activation, I was able to push out some urine while the cuff was closed by straining (I was really in pain).
If once you are activated and you learn a new technique, pass it on!
Can you believe these conversation we have here about
Bill from Florida