Greetings all, thanks for the welcome.
"team" - I suppose that before all this is said and done I'll have seen a bunch of Dr's with all sorts of specialties. Currently I just have the GP and Urologist. Mostly because surgery as not an option and ADT in 2014 is seemingly academic for for my case. While the jury is still out on how well or IF the ADT is working I'll be passed to Oncology once we've decided it is not or no longer working. The Urologist prescribes the shots and I drop by a nurses station to have it administered.
Meds - while Cassidex was used to suppress any 'spike' a the start of Lupron, adding one drug at a time after knowing how well (or not) the last one is working makes sense to me and and I've found a rich history of that practice. It is my understanding that much like any type of HT these things generally have a limited duration of usefulness and loose their effectiveness over time making another argument for waiting to use both at once.
I now have
open prescript
ions for: Lupron 4mo depot, Cassidex, Megistril and Flowmax.
Bone mets - while they ran multiple imaging scans when I was first diagnosed (and did not notice anything), it is quite possible that the imaging systems used were unable to detect mets that were there. I've since noticed my lower back and hips hurting. Earlier this weekend I woke up and could of swore that a portion of my right leg was numb. Some of the lower back pain and oddities with my legs and feet could be symptoms of ADT, me being overweight or simply mets that had not grown large enough to be detected or cause issues at the time the scans were done (Back in Feb/March 14).
Next steps - As already mentioned, when the primary ADT fails I'll likely be referred to Oncology and/or a someone who can prescribe/perform radiation. The 2nd round of HT may include a new protocal recently developed by OHSU which involves using a number of "blockers" at the same time. (and getting a gain in time over using them serially)
If my back+hips+legs keep bothering me I'll contact my DR sooner than October and see if we can get new scans done.
Sex - my partner and I don't really care that my "junk" is mostly to completely "dead" or "broken" or useless. Still not something that was really mentioned when I started ADT.
Megistril - I think thats the name of the stuff I take every other day in attempts to control the hot flashes. Sometimes it helps others not so much.
Frankly I'm not sure what to think of some of the national 'publications' mortality estimates. While they all mostly discount "quality of life" and assume any patient would go through anything to remain alive and I've been able to easily plot out 5-8yrs of different treatments. It would appear however that many of the numbers are weighted with cases <G8, <PSA100 and < metastatic and may be overly optimistic especially when "quality of life" is considered.
I plan on applying for SS-DI when I advance to HRD and it is fully documented.
Post Edited (Mark0) : 8/24/2014 12:24:49 AM (GMT-6)