Depending on who your team of doctors are, you could possibly strengthen the team by adding Dr Fabio Almeida at AZ Molecular Imaging for future F18 Sodium or C11 Acetate tests. Also, Prostate Oncology in Marina del Rey has Dr Mark Scholz, Richard Lam and Jeffrey Turner for experienced prostate cancer medical oncology.
But no immediate action seems to be required, as you have already been very diligent.
I am soon to follow your lead with Provenge starting weekend of Sept 19-22 every other weekend for 3 total treatments and two weeks of SBRT starting Oct 6 every other day.
In my case it is initial treatment, having only been on Lupron (w/o Casodex or triple blockade) since 3-28-13 with no prior surgery nor radiation nor chemo.
Just keep doing what you are doing, since it is working for you.
For your psychological well being, ytou may want to join us at GFMPH Good For a Man's Prostate Health gathering in Rochester NY the last week of Sept. Guys and their spouses always enjoy hearing success stories. your thread premise, it was at GFMPH a year ago in Rochester where several fellow G9's convinced me I had to be more aggressive than just Lupron. BTW, the spring GFMPH in April alternates sites odd years near Baton Rouge LA April 2015 and even years near Orlando area recently completed April 2014.