I can only speak about
my recent biopsy that was done about
a month ago, but it may help others decide.
My first hospital wanted to do it the old way. Local sedation and pass the probe up the back passage to take the samples (about
12) I got to reading on here and found that type of biopsy was only about
25% accurate and may not pick up the PC, causing the procedure to be repeated up to four more times! That was not for me.
The hospital I am with now done a prostate specific MRI finding no specific areas of the prostate to target. It also gave the indication that there was nothing showing outside the prostate capsule, but with a fast rising PSA the followed this up with a (Template Prostatic Biopsy) taking 40 samples that has 95% accuracy. This was done under general anaesthetic so I was fast asleep and knew nothing about
it. This was done by passing an ultrasound probe up the rectum, then the samples taken in a targeted way from outside the body through the perineum. After effects of this were being a bit tender in that area for a couple of days. Blood in the urine for about
two weeks, the first few days was like something out of Halloween, my urine looked like pure blood and it scared me so much I had to sit down and pee so I could not see it. I also had blood in my semen and that has only just cleared.
I was in hospital for half a day and they would not let me leave until I was able to pee. For me the whole experience was not unpleasant apart from the blood thing after.
Questions that I asked my uro.........
Q: Why cant you use the results from the MRI?
A: Because it is not totally reliable in picking up the cancer and even if it does not show anything outside the prostate it would not be conclusive.
Q; If there is cancer within the prostate only then can the biopsy release cancer cells into the blood stream to from as bone mets at a later date?
A: Many years ago when much larger needles were used I only knew of two cases of this. In recent years I know of none.
I hope this helps others who are starting out on there “road to discovery”
Bobalou said...
Normal breasts are being removed based on genotype also useful for prostate. If the goal is to prevent death why not treat prophylactically with less aggressive protons, seeds or laser since either way if that PSA is high you have Ca until proven otherwise. I will post a followup.
I am not completely sure what you are trying to say here Bobalou. For a woman, removing a “normal” breast would be more of a physiological problem. For a man, any “aggressive” action taken on his prostate would be a more physical problem, because of the very long term and unpleasant life changing side effects that can often follow. I am in no way disrespecting a woman’s anatomy with this comment, but I don’t feel one can place both in the same context.
By the way. Welcome to Healing Well. I hope that you find what you are looking for here. If not then don’t be afraid to ask.