SophieW, glad to hear he's in the recovery phase. All the best for you folks, it's going to be intense for a little while. He's lucky to have you with him. And do get in touch with those on the caregivers thread; it's a disease affecting both of you, and those caregivers greatly support each other. In case you haven't seen it yet, here's a link to it: what it's worth, I've added you to our Gleason 9 crew roster, on a thread that is meant to be a gathering place for those facing that diagnosis. Our concerns tend to be pretty specific given the aggressiveness of this version of the disease, and the treatments involved. It's a wild ride! If you look through that thread (and the lengthy one preceding it), you'll find many G9 folks, most doing pretty well. the best for both of you! Please stay with us here; there are many experienced people that can help with advice and support for recovering from this surgery. You can do this!