I thought that it would hurt like crazy, but I was so wrong. Felt like a little tickle with releif at the same time. I didn't even blink! You will probably get your final pathology at the same visit. Hopefully, it stays the same or even be assessed at a lesser Gleason score.
As your doctor for some Cilais (low dose) to help with ED. IMO this is very important to keep blood flowing and minimize any damage to your penis. I was one of the lucky ones concernign urinary control. Immediate ability to stop and go and no wet pads ever. But most guys need more time. ED may take over a year to resolve. It took me 2 years and now I am OK without any drugs. Pick up an ED pump on Amizon for about $75 to help you keep the blood flowing.
Good Luck.
Bill K. from NJ USA