My surgeon had part of his team give his patients an ED and incontinence seminar the day the cath was removed.
We were not to start with the pump until at least 4 weeks post-op. In fact a couple of sales reps from the pump company were at the seminar and helped us fill out the forms for the insurance company to order the pumps. Insurance covered it 100%.
They told us to pump up daily.
Pump about
10 seconds, wait a couple of seconds then release.
Then pump it again and hold it for 1 minute, then release.
Take a break for a minute and then repeat the same procedure for 2 more reps.
I started Viagra 72 hours after the cath was removed. 50 mg on Monday, 50 mg on Wednesday and 100 mg on Friday. Friday was play day. My surgeon gave us a prescript
ion for 100 mg tabs so we could break one in half for Monday and Wednesday.
You may ask your surgeon or uro what they suggest.
Bill from Florida