Hey there...WELLNESS CHECK=)
It sounds as though you're doing great, though you may not think so. I know the RED is alarming, but quite "normal" as the other guys/gals have said. Kudos to getting outside. Just be careful to wrap up with extra scarf. (NO FLU OR PNEUMONIA NEEDED)
How's your appetite? Getting your strength back with nutrition and walking short bouts is paramount. Now is not the time for calorie counting. Proteins are essential, through meats, eggs (maybe avoid cheese) and lentils. Small meals frequently are key. Protein-packed yogurt will put lead back in the pencil also. The peanut butter ANYTHING is a good idea.
You said "I'm not good at this". You're a champ, just like your cyber brothers who have faced/are facing the same Goliath. YOU'LL DO THIS one stone at a time. It won't be instant or on your perceived time frame. Be patient...I know...me, too...not my virtue. But you've gotta settle in, take care of yourself, and distract/detach yourself as best you can.
Movies are a MUST. We rented 5 from Redbox for the day/night because we wanted to "check out". We wanted to just stretch out in front of the fire with our Dalmatians and watch movies w/popcorn. God always has other plans. My 88 year old mom was rushed to the ER with potential pneumonia. Guess where I spent the night? I'm home now and headed to a shower of GERM-X!!! She's going to be in the hospital a while. She's doing better than me. She can eat, sleep and poop. That's 3 for 3 that I can't do, so Linzess...here we go!
One last thought...If you can "massage" the shoulders, chest, low back (seriously) that will help. My "GO-TO" for gas pain (besides Gas-X) is to assume the Muslim prayer position in the floor. The pressure forces the gas to move. I KNOW you can't do that for obvious reasons, but if your wife would give you a deep massage...it could help. I pray that you can get some rest tonight.