We will never reduce our hyperinflated health care costs in the US while patients are complicit with doctors in ordering expensive tests that prey on fears and cause fears. Let's remember that bone scans do not detect bone mets, they detect bone overgrowth, which is only sometimes, and rarely, due to PC. In the meantime, clinicians get into a spiral of ever more expensive tests to determine what the hot spots are, causing the patient all kinds of worry.
UMichigan recently they found, "Applying the American Urological Association recommendations (ie, image when PSA level >20 ng/mL or GS ≥ 8) to current clinical practice, we estimate that <1% of positive study results would be missed, whereas the number of negative study results would be reduced by 38%."
In Sweden, they did an interesting campaign where they "shamed" doctors by publishing a list of inappropriate imaging studies that were ordered. It worked. Over a ten year period, they reduced inappropriate imaging from 45% of low risk men to 3% of low risk men. It's worth a try in the US. It could relieve a lot of unnecessary suffering.
Prostate Cancer Imaging Trends After a Nationwide Effort to Discourage Inappropriate Prostate Cancer Imaging- Allen