have now surpassed 3 years since my surgery and I want to thank my brothers on this site that helped me make the 3 years that stressed me out so much. I got my annual check up from Dattoli 10 days ago and all looked good and PSA was .00743 or less then .01 that we all covet. While speeding home 10 days ago a state trooper stopped me doing 75 in a 55 and I told him I was guilty but he could give a ticket for a million dollars as my doctor just told me I will still cancer free. He went back and just stood as his car while I dug for my Insurance card. He came back and said Jeffrey slow the hell down and then shook my hand and said congratulations.
The news of my PSA holding below the magical number after being off hormones for almost 18 months is the first time I have been reasonably confident that I have been cured. I celebrate this for 6 more months until my next test but after several years I now have a bounce to my step. Hormones suck, ED sucks but even worse after you are off Hormones and actually think about sex. Regardless I will continue to improve in that department.
My only recommendation is NEVER GIVE UP to this ****** Disease. For the last 3 years this has been my demon but fellows keep your chin up.
Thank Your and Prayers for all that continue our battle.
Jeff Liggett