Chaplain 1 said...
I am 53 and was diagnosed on 3/2/15. My PSA is 4.7 and the gleason was 3+3. The doctor seemed a little surprised. So his recommendation was surgery. to say the least this caught me off guard. So I have alot of decisions to make.
Welcome, Chap, sorry you are joining our crappy club. But 1st things 1st: TAKE YOUR TIME, DO NOT BE RUSHED INTO DECIDING ON A TREATMENT! If your Bx is correct and you really are only a G6, you have lots of time to figure out which treatment and their side effects are right for you- or maybe even no treatment at all. Read the stickie at thr top of the start page:
"Newly diagnosed with PC? – read this thread first"
And/or start asking questions as you take your time!
Bill in MS