Has anyone had any luck with Proton Treatment or Carbon ion beam for prostate cancer?
Age 49 Diagnosed at 47
Malignant neoplasm of prostate Gleason score =7 (4+3)
Prostate, robotic assisted radical prostatectomy-1/14/2014
Pathologic Diagnosis:
1. Prostatic adenocarcinoma. Gleason 7=(4+3)
2. Organ confined (pT2)
3. Seminal vesicles and vasa deferentia are negative for tumor
4. Margins positive. See coment
Prostate, right postero-lateral base, biopsy: Benign prostatic tissue
Right pelvic lymph nodes, resection: Thirteen benign lymph nodes (0/13)
Left pelvic lymph nodes, resection: Thirteen benign lymph nodes (0/13)
Comment: Dominant nodule location: Right posterolateral/posterior region (mid to base)
Size of dominant nodule: 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm
Gleason grade percentages (dominant nodule): Gleason 4 = 60%; Gleason 3=40%
Additional nodules: none
location and extent of positive margin: right posterior mid; linear length = 5mm. Gleason score of tumor at margin is 7 (4+3).
PSA levels
4.0 12/30/13 (Pre surgery)
<0.1 03/18/14 (3 months after surgery)
<0.1 06/16/14
<0.1 09/17/14
0.2 12/16/14
0.2 01/17/15
0.4 04/16/15 (PSA level just doubled in 3 months)