Hi Jerry,
You are right that in cases with high risk/high grade disease as yours there is little research supported by RCTs to give you
a guideline on how long to stay on ADT . That said, intermittent ADT has demonstrated equivalent
survival benefit as continuous deprivation.
This means that you could stop ADT and closely monitor your testosterone
rebound with little risk. Close monitoring will be required. Baseline
testosterone and DHT would be good to know. Monitor PSA closely while
monitoring the normalization of testosterone. As this happens your QOL would
improve and the proper effect of your IMRT treatment will be exposed. Based on
your PSA response after the combination treatment there is a good chance that
this combination treatment has done the job.
There is a recent article based on nomograms that you might find helpful.
The full paper is free and available on PubMed:
Stoyanova R, Pahlajani NH, Egleston BL, Buyyounouski MK, Chen DY, Horwitz
EM, Pollack A. The impact of dose-escalated radiotherapy plus androgen
deprivation for prostate cancer using 2 linked nomograms. Cancer. 2013 Mar
1;119(5):1080-8. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27857. Epub 2012 Oct 23. PubMed PMID:
23096533; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4347814.
Buddy Blank, I do honor and celebrate our Independence Day!
BTW, kill is the right mechanism.