A few months ago brother Micah68 started a thread called "Calling all pT3"
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=3390735Many of you expressed interest and posted on his thread. Micah68 and I discussed it and agreed that I would start the official club.
Anyone who is staged pT3a or pT3b is welcomed to join. Evidently they combined pT3c in with pT3b years back. In compiling these names of members interested in joining in from Micah68's thread, it is interesting to see how diverse the group is. I am listing the Gleason scores of those members who gave them and they range from G3+3=6 to G4+5=9.
pT3 staging is for those whose cancer has started to leave the prostate capsule or, as it is called, has Extraprostatic Extension.
Stage pT3a means Extraprostatic extension or microscopic invasion of bladder neck but NOT to the seminal vesicle.
Stage pT3b means seminal vesicle invasion
I remember going over my pathology report one week after surgery and having my surgeon tell me my staging was "pT3a EPE with bladder neck involvement" HUH?????? What does that mean, Doc?
Did you get it all or didn't you get it all? Well....................
That is when he said I had a 20% chance of recurrence within the next 10 years. I went into a depression quickly. My wife tried to cheer me up and said, "he said he feels he got it all" but that is not what I heard. All I could think of is I had Round 1 with prostate cancer, knocked it down, but it got off the mat and walked back to the corner as the bell rang and I didn't knock it out, yet.
I would imagine that is somewhat how most of us felt once given the report.
The pT3 Club is somewhere where we can go to discuss how we felt upon hearing the DX, what we are currently going through to continue the fight, what we may be doing to prepare for "IT" if "IT" comes back or what we have done to combat recurrence that had happened to us already.
Brother Redwing 57 has joined us already and we thank him for leading the way by forming the "Gleason 9 Crew".
Here is the list of members who showed interest in the pT3 Club. If you want your Gleason added or corrected, let me know. My email is live in my profile or click on the envelope under my name on the left.
Any new members just post on the thread and I will try to add you to the list asap. I do have a life bedsides HW so forgive me in advance if I don't catch your addition right away.
Bill from Florida
Michah68 pT3
Woodpecker43 pT3b G4+4=8
Jerry L. pT3b G9
DonJ pT3b G9
Almost10 pT3b G4+5=9
alephnull pT3b G4+5=9
Berk pT3a G4+3=7
Big Mac pT3a G3+4=7
wampuscats pT3b G4+3=7
Southern Comfort pT3b G5+4=9
Chask pT3a G4+3=7
FLBeachgal DH pT3b G4+3=7
SophieW DH pT3a G9
NJ Walt pT3b G4+3=7
EastCoast57 DH pT3b G8
Sephie DH pT3a
Jimo48 pT3b G4+4=8
John_TX pT3a G4+3=7
mjw11 PT3a G3+4=7
yk pT3a G5+4=9
Bohemond pT3b G3+4=7
NE-skier pT3b G4+5=9
Break60 pT3b G4+5=9
Octorobo pT3a G3+4=7
Kayak808 pT3b G7
Lsil pT3a G4+3=7
Gunner34 pT3b G4+5=9
wingman63 pT3a G5+4=9
RandyJoe pT3b G9
STW pT3b G3+4=7
mbock DH pT3b
Magaboo pT3a G3+4=7
Wilderness pT3a G3+4=7
Out in the 57 pT3b G4+3=7
Tony Crispino pT3b
kwoo64 pT3a G7
trailguy pT3b G4+3=7
Teacher lady DH pT3b G4+3=7
Worried Guy pT3a G3+4=7
Edwardo43 pT3a G4+3=7
nepol pT3a G4+3=7
Appleseed pT3a G9
RamonV pT3a
Traveller Pt3b G8
bento pT3b G4+3=7
Redwing57 pT3a G5+4=9
JessTac pT3a G3+3=6
mattamx pT3b G4+4=8
Gemlin pT3a G4+3=7
ziggymonster pT3b G4+4=8
Dadof12 pT3a G4+4=8
Billybob@388 pT3b G4+5=9
Ferb40 pT3a G4+5=9
Complier pT3a G4+3=7
Northfoot pT3a G4+5=9
DaSlink pT3a G4+3=7
Rich G. pT3a G4+4=8
gearloose. pT3a G4+4=8
IslandRefugee pT3a G4+3=7
rmh1949 pT3a G4+3=7
BrokenCrotch pT3a G4+4=8
Dugalf pT3b G3+4=7
Monty786 pT3b G3+3=6
Cincy 12 DH pT3b G3+4=7
djdego DH pT3b G4+3=7
Craig MJ pT3a G4+4=8
Cassie8 pT3a G3+4=7
WyoHawk pT3a G4+3=7
Redsea pT3b G4+4=8
JDill pT3b G4+5=9
Gasman1 pT3a G3+4=7
Startech pT3a 5+4=9
JEKNY pT3a G4+3=7
Fly with me pT3a
Bobby Mac pT3a
Dr WHO pT3a G4+4=8
Newtopc pT3a G3+4=7
Deon124 pT3a G3+4=7
DH of Wife_on_alert
pT3b G4+3=7
RobLee pT3b. G4+4=8
Doire (for DH) pT3a GL3+4=7