Tall Allen will no doubt have some links to studies for you.
I wouldn't consider stopping at only 10 months on Lupron. For a high risk case, 18 months is probably the minimum.
You're into a very aggressive situation, and for such high risk cases I believe currently the recommendations float around 18 months to 24 months. I'm on a 36 month regime, since the 2009 "Bolla" study showed 3 years was clearly superior to 6 months. That's the latest really solid study available, by good statistical design and recruitment of a big enough number of participants (the "cohort"). But from that study we don't know how good 18 months would be, or 24 months.
www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0810095In 2013, Dr. Nabid presented a study showing 18 months was as effective as 36 months. Note this conclusion is based on the people he studied; for me a critical point. The cohort was kind of broadly drawn, so for the truly high Gleason scores it's hard to see the specifics.
meetinglibrary.asco.org/content/114784-132I'm finishing out my 36 month sentence. Fun? No. But as my oncologist said, "I'd rather find out 10 years from now that 3 years was too much, than that 2 years wasn't enough".
All the best. Tough choices!