Thanks guys!
Guess what happens today? Nothing
! No more drinking water until my bladder feels 'just so', undressing, putting on gowns, hanging around the dressing room waiting to get the bladder scanned, getting positioned on the 'slab', hearing the huge machine buzz, dressing, etc., etc. 33 sessions for a total of 66 Gy. Woot.
Allison101 said...
Hi John_TX....if I may ask, why did you have the radiation and hormone therapy if you had a RALP and your PSA's were 0?? Thanks!
Unfortunately one of the 44 lymph nodes excised had a 1mm area of carcinoma and my Decipher test had me at a high risk for re-occurrence within five years. With one positive node I was automatically staged as a four and needed adjuvant radiation and as an extra precaution, hormone therapy ADT.