Relationship comments not PCa.
juan104 said...
.... He keeps trying to reassure me that he is fine but I'm not so sure. .... I think he feels I will leave if I know the truth. what do I do?
Ummm, I think to a large extent "I'm fine" is a common male pattern response macho type thing that we guys tend to think we are supposed to be saying. And, a lot of guys just don't like to be fussed over.
It's a sort of mindset that "If I don't make a big deal of this, it's not a big deal" and a "I can handle this without breaking stride" sort of thing.
I will say that the way my wife picks up on some physical issue that is really bothering me is if I say nothing at all. If I'm whining a bit she knows I'm fine.
Perhaps if you simply say "I'm concerned about
you and feel you are shutting me out on information about
your surgery."
Follow that with a comment to the effect that "We are going to be married and I believe that communication with your spouse should be better."
If he understands that you expect better communication in your relationship perhaps he will be more forthcoming with information.