Might be a silly question but WTH.
I have been with the same PCP for over 10 years and have a great relationship with him, he knows me well, despite the large number of patients he sees daily. He's also my Cardiologist now. But as i mentioned elsewhere i am going to start working with a new, more holistic Cardiologist, and feel i cant just disappear, i owe it to my current PCP to let him know. He wont care financially, but i just think its the right thing based on our relationship. It will be awkward, but has to be done.
Anyway, i was thinking i'd like to ask him to continue as my PCP, just not as my primary Cardiologist. But that got me thinking. Does an educated medical consumer really need a PCP in this day of specialists? If i have what might be a serious thing, i can find the right specialist. If i have a cold, or the flu, or a virus, and need some meds, i can always to to a walk in center, they're all over the place.
Am i thinking outside the box, or am i an idiot?
Does anybody else think in these terms or does everyone still have a PCP?