As you know, I support natural medicine - mainly as a supportive and preventive modality. This "Truth" movie is put out by Ty Bollinger and there are some sort of rewards for promoting it on the Internet. I have seen this and many other similar movies purportedly about
the truth and have to say that most of them are rubbish. Although I am not a fan of science, as it can only go as far as it has (does not consider the great unknown as possibly being helpful and drug-related studies primarily being supported by people or corporations that profit in some way).
That said, if it's the same one I purchased a few months ago, this movie series is pure bunk. Ty has trekked out the same old, same old people as curers of cancer. (If they were, wouldn't we all be happy!) Not much heed, if any, given to the stage of cancer or the type. Such-and-such a cure will kill all cancers. Naturally, the "Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment" twaddle comes up. People still believe that because cancerous tissues are surrounded by a higher acidity, that the acidity caused the cancer, rather than the other way round. It is true that cancer then harnesses the acid to fuel tumour growth but the acidity does not CAUSE cancer. Also, if the body suddenly became alkaline, the cancer would no doubt find some way around it, if the body didn't die first! The movie carries on with untruth after untruth. Of course juices are going to help keep a body healthy and produce alkaline ash but they will not cure stage 3 or 4 cancer. They may be helpful in a precancerous or very early stage cancer but this movie suggests all cancers can be cured with nonsensical logic. This is not to say that some cancers in later stages do not respond well and even disappear if you happen to hit on the right thing, or even spontaneously—and perhaps that is what research should also be focusing on, along with the metabolic disturbances that lead to genetic mutation. Sue, I know you posted this with your wonderfully helpful and altruistic intentions but it is a waste of money and hope. Absolutely no logic in it at all. I hate the way this fellow operates as he is no better than those he scorns.
Post Edited (Moonlitnight) : 4/14/2016 10:34:09 AM (GMT-6)