Hi Brian. Good to see you have selected your treatment. That really is the toughest part because of all the unknowns.
Interestingly, I also had a very undeniable GOD moment shortly after diagnosis when I was in the total fog as well.
A doctor's office called and left a message on my office phone number, which is totally unknown to the outside world, and mixed in with 2,500 other totally unknown numbers from my work location. Also, I had never heard of this Uro, and he has zero affiliation with either my GP or DX Uro, so it was a totally unexpected call. The other thing about the message was that it wasn't for me. It was for some guy I never heard of. What it did do for me was have me start looking into options, which had me ask my Uro for a referral to Sunnybrook, which inevitably led me to Dr Morton and Triple Play HDRBRT/EBRT/ADT instead of what the Dx Uro wanted me to do. (RP/ADT/EBRT).
As was expected anytime there is Divine Intervention, my treatments went very well thus far, with SE's I can only describe as a "Cheaters Path" considering I have weathered the storm very well with only 3 days off work around the HDRBRT and what are in my opinion, mild side effects. I am very grateful!!!!
Good luck on your journey Brother and I hope you keep on getting those signs!